Velika stena (Big rock) is an attraction of the Valjevo region. Since the lake and dam Rovni were built, in 2015, this lookout attracts many tourists and mountaineers.
Distance between Belgrade and Valjevo is 100 km. There are two roads to this lookout. One is from the city of Valjevo, which passes near the monastery of Jovanja. Distance from Valjevo is about 15 km. The asphalt road goes all the way. The second road leads from the Lelic monastery, 5 km away from Valjevo. This road is 8 km long and has about 2-3 km of macadam, quite solid. Although there are some signposts to Velika stena, I recommend navigation. We decided to follow the second road. First we visited the monastery of Lelic, where the relics of St. bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic lies.
Monastery Lelic
The path to Velika stena starts here:

From this turn, the lookout is exactly 1 km away. It’s about a 20 minute of easy walk. The trail is very easy. Somewhere in the middle of the road, there is a view at lake Rovni and the mountains Jablanik and Medvednik.
Jablanik and Medvednik
Lake Rovni
A view from the top is magnificent! Enjoy!

Velika stena

I recommend to combine Velika stena with the canyon of the river Gradac. You will have enough time to enjoy both sites. So, hit the road!
May 2021.