Mountain Rozanj belongs to Sokolske mountains and it is located near the small town of Pecka. From Belgrade, Pecka is about 130 km away. To reach Pecka, you must drive by the Ibar highway, to the town of Valjevo. At Valjevo, turn on the road to Ljubovija and continue via Suvodanje, to Pecka. Distance between Valjevo and Pecka is 30 km, or about 2-2.5 hours of drive. When you pass Pecka, after 10-15 minutes, you will come to the saddle Proslop, where the trail to Rozanj begins. Near the main road is a red sign “Rozanj”, which marks the beginning of the path. The trail is marked well; there is no possibility to go astray. The beginning of the trail can be seen at this picture:

It takes 3 hours to the top.

The path is mostly macadam and the altitude difference is about 350 m. Beautiful landscapes are all around you.

Below the top is an interesting cottage.

The path leads uphill, through the raspberry fields.

The view from the summit is breathtaking!


Below the top, but on the other side, is a monastery of St. Basil of Ostrog. There is a source of a cold, mountain water.
Monastery of St. Basil of Ostrog
A few more interesting photos, for the end of this tour:

March 2012.