In a past few years, Ribnica canyon has become one of the most interesting places in this part of Serbia. You can visit this canyon on your way back from Divcibare; it perfectly fits! The most interesting spot in this canyon (and the main reason for visit) is Ribnica cave. The cave is located just behind the monastery of Ribnica.
The path to the monastery and Ribnica cave leads through the town of Mionica and the village of Pastric. You must drive by the Ibarska highway and turn towards Valjevo and then towards Mionica. When you enter Mionica, the main road leads you to the intersection. At the crossroad, turn left (the right road goes to Divcibare). The road is very good; highway. After a few hundred meters you will enter the village of Pastric (you will see a sign). At Pastric, you will see a signpost to the monastery Ribnica (right turn). The monastery is 4-5 km far; the road leads you right to the monastery. Distance between Belgrade and Ribnica monastery is about an hour and a half of drive (95 km).

Ribnica monastery
Ribnica Monastery is dedicated to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. It is was built in the first half of the 17th century. Near the monastery is a bridge which leads to the cave. The cave is just behind the monastery, less than 5 minutes of walk.

Ribnica cave
Ribnica cave is known as the habitat of 15 protected species of bats! A small stream flows inside the cave. It’s really worth to visit this place.
From the monastery, you can go downstream or upstream of the Ribnica river and explore this interesting canyon.
May 2018.