RAVNA GORA (Babina glava 787 m)

Distance between Belgrade and Ravna gora is about 110 km. You must travel along the Ibar highway, to the town of Ljig. From Ljig, go via Banja Vrujci, to Ravna gora. Distance between Banja Vrujci and Ravna gora is 25 km.

The asphalt road leads to the church of St. George and the monument of general Draza Mihailović, who was the leader of chetnicks, in the WW2. From this point, Babina glava (Grandma’s head) is clearly visible, with a cross on the top. You will walk 15 minutes to the top. It is less than a kilometer of walking, with an ascent of 50 m. Neighboring mountains Suvobor, Ovcar and Kablar, can be seen from the top. And Divcibare (mountain Maljen), in the distance.

Crkva Sv. Đorđa

Church of St. George

Spomenik Draži Mihailoviću

Monument of Draza Mihailovic

Babina glava

Babina glava


Pogled na Suvobor sa Babine glave

A view at Suvobor from Babina glava

Na vrhu Ravne gore

At the top of Ravna gora

Ovčar i Kablar u daljini

Ovcar and Kablar in the distance


Ovčar i Kablar

Ovcar and Kablar


If you are not too tired, you can walk to the”Wet cave”, 1.5 km away (half an hour of walk). The marked trail starts from the monument of Draza Mihailovic.

Mokra pećina

Wet cave

This tour is really easy. If you are a beginner, this is an ideal tour! The landscape is nice, and the view is beautiful and soothing. You are surrounded by a huge space, which gives you a sense of freedom.

June 2020.

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