VARDENIK (Veliki Streser 1876 m)
You can climb Veliki (Great) Streser from two directions. One is from mountain Besna kobila and the other one is from the village of Topli Dol (from the water factory “Rosa” (Dew), which is located in the village of Topli Dol).
Distance between the top of Besna kobila and the highest peak of Vardenik is 15 km, and it takes about 4 hours of walk. You can see Veliki Streser, all the way. From the Russian monument, just go into the direction of Veliki Streser. There are some markings, but most of the time you must rely on map or GPS. There is a well of drinking water, near the Russian monument.

Veliki Streser
You can take a shortcut, through the forest. This time, the path was covered with snow.

From the forest, you will enter on macadam road.

From this ridge is a beautiful view at lake Vlasina and the top of Besna kobila.
Lake Vlasina
Besna kobila
Finally, you are at the top!

From the peak, you can see the water factory “Rosa”. You can reach the factory in an hour and a half, from the top of Vardenik. However, without topographic map I do not recommend hike to the factory, because the path disappears in the forest and you must try very hard to find the right track. This tour goes in the “package” with mountain Besna kobila, but only if someone waits you at the factory. It is hard to climb Besna kobila and Vardenik in one day and come back to the mountain lodge. However, if you decide to go alone in this adventure, the path to Vardenik leads to the left, along the fence of the factory, and passes between the houses in the village of Topli Dol. In that case, I think you could reach the top in 2.5 hours, but just if you immediately find a path in the woods.
Water factory “Rosa”
May 2012.