OSTROZUB (Ostrozupska cuka 1546 m)
Mountain Ostroub rises above the town of Crna Trava. It can be reached by highway Belgrade-Nis. At Predejane, you must turn on the road to Crna Trava. Distance between Belgrade and Crna Trava is about 315 km. When you arrive at Crna Trava, drive uphill, by the asphalt road, next to the cemetery. Crna Trava is a very small town, so you can not miss this turn. After 15 minutes of drive, you will come to a meadow, with a soccer field. This place is at 1300 meters a.s.l. The trail for the highest peak, Ostrozupska cuka (1546 m), starts from this place. It takes about 3 hours, of moderate walk, to the top.

Macadam path is marked very well. At this juction, choose any path, both roads merges into one trail.

The track does not have a lot of viewpoints and mainly goes through the forest. After a few kilometers, you will come to a monument, dedicated to partisans.

At this junction, take the right path.

Soon you will come to the first lookout.

Just below the top, you will clearly see Suva planina.
Suva planina

Follow the signs, pass by another monument and you are almost at the top.

The top is in the forest, but there is a meadow, with a great view at mountain Dukat.
Ostrozupska cuka
May 2012.