VRSAC MOUNTAINS (Guduricki peak 641 m, Lisicija glava 590 m)
Guduricki peak is the highest peak of Vojvodina. Peak Lisicija glava (Fox head) is the second highest peak in Vojvodina. It is also known as Vrsacki peak.
The marked trail starts from monastery Srediste, at 203 a.s.l, in the village of Malo Srediste, near the town of Vrsac. Malo Srediste can be reached, from Belgrade, via Pancevo and Vrsac within an hour and a half of drive (about 100 km).
The trail is marked very well and it is not strenuous, though there are some stronger ascends to the top. It takes about an hour and a half of walk, from the monastery to Guduricki peak (641 m). The trail consists of macadam and forest road.

Monastery Srediste

A view at Guduricki peak

Guduricki peak
Guduricki peak is not so attractive, so I recommend a hike to Lisicija glava, which has a beautiful viewpoint. On the way to Lisicija glava (Fox head), you will pass by the peak Mala Coka (602 m).

Mala Coka
From Mala Coka, you must descend over Kulmea Mare pass (389 m), to the hill Kamenarica (390 m) and then ascend to the Lisicija glava (590 m). The distance between Guduricki peak and Lisicija glava is 1.5-2 hours. The trail again goes through the forest and by the macadam road.

Lisicija glava
Some 50 meters below Lisicija glava (there is a path), lies a lookout, from which you can see the mountains of Kucaj and the Romanian Carpathians.

A view from Lisicija glava at Kucaj mountains
From Lisicija glava, follow the signpost toward monastery Srediste. You will reach it in 2-2.5 hours of walk. So, you will make a round tour of 15 km, with a total climb of 850 m, in 5.5 hours.

A view at Guduricki peak below Lisicija glava
February 2020.