SUVA PLANINA (Tri kamena 900 m)
This interesting and attractive rock formation, like Stonehenge, is becoming more and more popular among nature lovers and mountaineers. Although the path is only 1.5 km long, it is not completely easy, because you have to overcome about 250 m of ascent, which, at some points, is a bit steeper. The trail is marked well. It takes about 45 minutes of walk, from the starting point, to Tri kamena (Three stones).
The trail begins in the village of Ostatovica, on the slopes of Suva Planina. From Belgrade, the road leads through Nis, Gadzin han and the village of Zavidince, to the village of Ostatovica. Distance between Belgrade and Ostatovica is about 300 km (4 hours by car). In the village of Zavidince, the asphalt ends and a good macadam road begins. It is 4 km long, and leads to the starting point in the village of Ostatovica. At the beginning of the dirt road, an asphalt road leads to the left, to the Zavidince monastery (14th century). Monastery is 1.5 km away, and it is dedicated to St. George.
Monastery Zavidince
Beginning of the path

Three stones

This is a very interesting and unusual rock formation, rarely seen in Serbia. You should definitely visit it and enjoy the view from the top.
November 2024.