STARA PLANINA WATERFALLS part I (Tupavica, Bislavac, Draganov vir, Jovin vir, Orlov kamen, Bratkovica, Jovicki kamen, Jarisor, Propadla vunija, Tri kladenca)
On the first day of our tour we visited Rosomaca pots ( Then we went from village Slavinja to village Dojkinci. On the road to Dojkinci, there is a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The monastery has about 60 relics of different saints!

Monastery of Virgin Mary
By the highway Belgrade-Nis, via Pirot, Rsovci and Visocka Rzana, we reached Dojkinci in 4 hours (343 km). At the roundabout in Pirot, go into direction of “Visocki put”. Dojkinci are the old-style village. Many households are engaged in tourism. I highly recommend household of Cirkovic ( The great advantage of this host is that it has its own restaurant, with homemade beer!
Village biggest attraction is the waterfall Tupavica. This is maybe the most beautiful waterfall in Serbia. If you continue by the asphalt road to the end of the village, you will reach the mountain lodge (there is a signpost). The village is small and you can not miss the road. A macadam road starts from the mountain lodge. The path to the waterfall is marked with signs. All the time, the macadam road goes straight, there are no altitude oscillations. Distance between the mountain hut and waterfall Tupavica is 4.5 km. It’s more than one hour of walk. Just follow Dojkinacka river.

Dojkinacka river
After 1.5 km, there is an intersection. At this point, you can go towards the top of Kopren and the depression Ponor (the cave in the ground with a spring). We continued toward Tupavica.
Soon we saw a magnificent sight. There is no need to waste words. Enjoy in this beauty!

Waterfall Tupavica
Waterfall Tupavica is 25 m high. It is located at 1050 a.s.l.
About 200 meters before Tupavica, on the left, there is a path which will take to the waterfall Bislavac. Just follow the stream for 45 minutes (2 km).

We continued on by the macadam road, towards the area called Arbinje. Arbinje is the most beautiful part of Stara planina. Arbinje is a beautiful river valley, surrounded by forest. Our goal was waterfall Draganov vir. The waterfall is located 3 km from the waterfall Tupavica. After 2 km, we reach Skripcanova fountain. From this spot, it takes little more than 1 km to reach the waterfall Draganov vir.

Skripcanova fountain
There is no signpost for the right turn. You must turn at this house, on the right side of the road.

Turn right
When you turn right, you will be on a meadow. Waterfall is 2 minutes from the meadow. This is Draganov vir:

Waterfall Draganov vir
When you hike from Tupavica, 100 meters before Draganov vir, another waterfall lies. It is called Jovin vir.

Waterfall Jovin vir
Before Jovin and Draganov vir, another jewel lies. Some 100-200 m after Skripcanova fountain, on the right side, there is a small bridge. When you cross the bridge, the path leads left and up, above the river. The trail is visible. After 5 minutes, you will reach a field, with a the house. Pass the house on the left and go down, by a visible path, through the forest, to the stream. This is Lisevski creek. Follow Lisevski creek upstream and, after 30-45 minutes, you will reach the junction of two streams. Follow the left stream. Along the way, you will see a couple of beautiful cascades and one small waterfall. After 2-2.5 hours, you will reach this magnificent waterfall, called Orlov kamen (Eagles stone). Orlov kamen is 20 m high and it is located at 1400 a.s.l.

Waterfall Orlov kamen
Some 500 m after Draganov vir, in the direction of Arbinje, there is a visible path on the left. You must walk for 2 km and cross 4 wooden bridges, to waterfall Bratkovica.

Some 13-14 km from the mountain lodge in Dojkinci, and about 1 km before the start of the trail for waterfall Tri kladenca, turn left, after the stone bridge, towards the waterfall Jovicki kamen. From the turn, the waterfall is about 3 km far. Follow the macadam path, and the last 300 m follow the Jovicki stream. You need to have a map or navigation to be sure which way to go.

Jovicki kamen
On your way back, you will see another waterfall on the map, close to the path to Jovicki kamen. That waterfall is called Jarisor, and it is close to the main path to Jovicki kamen. It has three cascades.
Across the path to the Jovicki waterfall begins the path which leads to the waterfall Propadla vunija . This waterfall is the most inaccessible waterfall at Arbinje. It is difficult to spot it because of the lush vegetation. After 1 km of walking and 200 m of ascent, you should turn left from the forest path, into the stream. Cross the stream and continue uphill, through branches and bushes. The waterfall is somewhere here, it will just jump in front of you.

Propadla vunija
If you follow the macadam road from the mountain lodge, after 15 km you will come to the end. Do not follow the left macadam road at the end! Follow the Dojkinacka river by the right side and walk by narrow, visible path. When you reach a point marked with red flag, start climbing uphill, following the river all the time. From the end of the macadam road, you will need about 1 hour to the magnificent waterfall Tri kladenca. Also, you have to climb 100 meters a.s.l. This area is called Arbinje and represents one of the most beautiful parts of Serbia. From Arbinje, you will see the top called Tri cuke. Enjoy!


Tri cuke

Waterfall Tri kladenca
To be continued at
August 2018.