NORTHERN KUCAJ (Kornovski height 632 m)
Northern Kucaj has many secrets, but also a beautiful landscapes. Although the tracks are mostly unmarked at this area, sometimes that is not a problem. That is the case with Kornovski height (632 m).
The first stop on this road is the village of Duboka. Village is well known for the waterfall Duboka and Dubocka cave. The distance between Belgrade and Duboka is about 150 km (2.5 hours), and the shortest route is via cities Pozarevac and Kucevo, the central place of the Kucaj mountains.
In the village of Duboka, park at the turn for Dubocka cave.
The cave is about 1 km from this place. From the gravel road you can see the opening of the cave. Just move in that direction, along the gravel path.
When the level of water is low in the cave, you can pass the whole cave. In summer, you can reach the pool called “Cvijicev vir”, deeper in the cave.

Dubocka cave
On your way back from the cave, after the wooden stairs, turn right and down, near the big rock. After 3 minutes, you will come to the waterfall Duboko. I am sure that this waterfall is the most generous in the spring, but it also has a lot to offer in October.

Waterfall Duboka
From the village of Duboka, continue along the asphalt road, toward the village of Radenka. At the intersection, turn right, toward the center of the village. Distance Duboko-Radenka is 10 km.
The circular path to Kornovski height (632 m) starts from the elementary school in the village of Radenka. Ask someone for the direction. First you will walk along Kljucata river. Then you will climb a plateau and continue along the macadam road, in the direction of Kornovski height. All the time you will be above the canyon of river Brnjica. Hike in the direction of windmills at Romania. From Kornovski height, walk back to the village via Kraku Lung area.
The trail is not marked, so I cannot give good directions. Navigate with GPS, map or intuition. What I can offer are beautiful photos of Northern Kucaj:

Kornovski height

Kraku Lung
October 2019.