RTANJ (cave Golema Porica, Baba 1043 m)

Rtanj, Serbian mystical mountain, about which various science fiction stories are told, attracts many nature lovers, and those who are not. Recently, another place at the foothill of Rtanj receives attention. It is the cave of Golema Porica. Indeed, this cave is unique in Serbia. Once you reach the cave, every mountaineer will climb the nearest peak, Baba (1043 m). The trail starts at the place called Cerovi (220 km from Belgrade), after you pass the village of Rtanj, the hotel Ramonda and the turn for Rujiste. This is the starting point:

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The path is marked well. A 7 km long path leads to Baba. Golema Porica is on the way. The cave can be reached after 75 minutes of walk. Golema Porica is located exactly on the halfway (3.5 km) to Baba.

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Descend to Golema Porica is not difficult, because there is a stable ladder. And inside – fantasy! Another planet! Feels like you are in the jungle of South America. The cave is moisture and cold, with two large halls. One is safe to enter, the other is risky. Beautiful!

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After another 3.5 km (an hour and a half of walk) you will reach Baba (1043 m). Before Baba, you can also visit the top of Stenje (990 m), with the cave Lisicja jama (940 m).

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The view from Baba is beautiful! You can clearly see the Rtanj pyramid. The view is fantastic at all four sides of the world, and deserves at least half an hour of break at the top.

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Total length of the track is about 15 km, with 300 m of easy ascent. It’s really worth it, because Golema Porica is a unique place in Serbia. And the view at Rtanj from Baba is also worth of effort.

August 2024.

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