Lazar`s canyon is located in eastern Serbia, near the village of Zlot. Distance between Belgrade and Zlot is about 220 km. It can be reached by highway Belgrade-Nis, where, near Paracin, you must turn on the road to Zajecar. You will pass through the villages of Izvor and Grza, until you reach the intersection of Boljevac and Zlot. At the junction, turn left, to the villages Podgorac and Zlot. Shortly after Zlot, turn left for Lazar’s canyon and Zlot (Lazar’s) cave. There is a signpost.

Lazar’s canyon is passable only in summer, mostly in august and september, when there is no water. The canyon is not passable if the riverbed is not dry. Hiking tour starts from Lazar’s cave, after you cross the bridge.

Passing through the canyon is not demanding, although, at some places, you will have to climb the rocks, or go down by a steep slope. The canyon without water seems a bit depressing, but that feeling disappears when you see a herd of wild goats. Lazar’s canyon is a canyon with the biggest number of vipers in Serbia! We saw only one, but I recommend caution while you hiking and climbing!
After 3 hours of hiking, we came to a crossroad. A few hundred meters after the intersection, Lazar’s canyon ends and canyon of river Demizlok starts. There is a sign, which directs you left, to the canyon of Demizlok and river Vej. If you turn right, you can go into the canyon of Mikuljska river.

We went a little further, into the canyon of Demizlok and then came back.

From Lazar’s cave, asphalt path goes up, to a two beautiful lookouts. It takes about 20 minutes, to the first viewpoint, and another twenty to the second one. This trail is marked very well.

Lazar’s canyon

I strongly recommend to end this tour by visiting Lazar’s cave.

Lazar’s cave
September 2012.
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