Jezevac is an interesting mountain, similar to Vukan, and it is located just above the monastery Gornjak. Distance between Belgrade and the monastery is about 135 km, road goes through Pozarevac, Petrovac on river Mlava and village Zdrelo. Then, a few more kms to Gornjak. At the beginning of Gornjaks gorge are the remains of the monastery of the Annunciation, founded by king Stefan Lazarevic in 14th century.

Remains of monastery Blagovestenje
Trail to Jezevac starts on the left side of the monastery Gornjak. The trail is marked all the way to the top. The path leads along the river Mlava and soon you are coming to the picnic area Cvarinac. At this beautiful place is a source of drinking water.

Monastery Gornjak – beginning of the trail

River Mlava

From the table “Cvarinac”, marked path leads to the right, up the hill, into the woods.
At the crossroad, there are two paths. One goes to the left and the other leads up. Both paths are well marked, right path is the one that goes up.
From the monastery to the top is about 2 hours of normal walk. From the woods you will come onto a clearing and soon after, to Jezevac. From the top you can see mountain Vukan, peaks Stubej and Veliki Vranj, while in the south and southeast are peak Krilas and mountain Beljanica.


Mountain Vukan
Return is by the same path, but it may be more interesting if, instead of the same path, you follow the markings over Jezevac ridge.
This track is an hour longer and leads right to the river Mlava. The trail is marked all the time, it is not possible to go astray.
As soon as you come to the river to turn left, ie., downstream. You will com to the Setonje bridge and a small house. You need to cross the bridge and after a few hundred meters you will be on the asphalt road, 1.5 km away from monastery Gornjak.

Bridge Setonje

Monastery Gornjak
But, since 2015., the bridge does not exist! Flood destroyed it! So, you can cross river Mlava, which is not the problem, or you can climb down by the same way from the top.

A view at Vukan

A view at Jezevac
April 2013.
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