Asenovo kale lies above Zvonacka Banja (670 m). Once there was a fortress, today only ruins exists. I do not know if Asenovo kale belongs to any mountain, or is it simply the top for itself.

Asenovo kale
Distance between Zvonacka Banja and Belgrade is about 380 km. You must drive by the Belgrade-Nis highway and then turn to Pirot. From Pirot, Zvonacka Banja is about 50 km. Banja is suitable for, so-called, “management diseases”. It calms the nerves. Unfortunately, the only hotel in Zvonacka Banja, called “Mir” (Peace), does not exist anymore. Only ruins left. However, the outdoor pool is still working and providing pleasant refreshment in the summer. Zvonacka Banja is an ideal base for hikers! Asenovo kale, Rakitski kamen, Greben, mountain Vlaska, river Toplodolska canyon, river Jerma canyon – everything is close! Today, you can spend the night in private house for very reasonable price.

Zvonacka Banja
From the swimming pool, go down by this rubber stairs. You will reach the paved road. Then turn right. Actually, go right from this house with an interesting mosaic.
After 50 meters, or less, enter into the woods.
Path leads to the bridge above the river Blatasnica. You can make a great photo if you go down, under the bridge.

Blatasnica canyon
After the bridge, you will pass through several tunnels.
Then you must follow the marked path. Although the markings are faded, they are still recognizable. Soon you will reach a small lake. There is a beautiful view at Asenovo kale.
Pass this unusual house and just stick to the main road, do not turn onto the path that leads to the right.
This trail leads to the village of Jasenov Del, just below the top. In the village is a spring of drinking water, just beside the path.

Jasenov Del
In the meadow below the top, an antenna is installed, that can be your landmark. And then-famous Asenovo kale! There is a narrow path that leads to the top of this rock. It takes a bit of climbing skills, but it’s not a big deal. A view is fantastic! You can see mountains Ruj, Rakitski kamen, Greben, mountain Vlaska and Zvonacka Banja with the pool! It is a real pleasure! Tour is not too hard and the height difference is ok. From Zvonacka Banja to the top, it takes a little more than an hour and a half.

Mountains Vlaska and Greben

Ruj and Rakitski kamen
On your way back to Pirot, it is worth of seen two monasteries, Poganovo and Sukovo. A good restaurant is located across Poganovo. Monastery Sukovo is well known for the fresco of St. Christopher, on which this saint is painted with the head of a dog, instead of a human head. Why, the monks will tell you.

Monastery Poganovo

Monastery Sukovo
July 2013.
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