KOSMAJ (626 m)
Distance between Kosmaj and Belgrade is about 60 km. Kosmaj can be reached by the road that leads via Ralja and Sopot. You can reach the top by car. If you wanna hike, then you can go to the village of Nemenikuce and visit the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

The marked path leads from the church to the ossuary, where the bones of the Serbian soldiers, which died in First World War, lies.

The path leads through the woods, just below the top. There is a turn for the monastery Tresije. The monastery is very beautiful.

Monastery Tresije
From the monastery, it is easy to reach the top. The highest peak is in the woods. From the top, path leads to the remains of the monastery of Kasteljan.

Monastery Kasteljan

On your way back, you can visit a lake, in the village of Tresnja.

April 2011.
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