You can reach Boracki krs by the Belgrade-Nis highway. Turn right, from the higway, in the direction of Arandjelovac, drive to Topola and then turn toward Kragujevac and Knic. The village Borac belongs to the municipality of Knic and it is located 20 km from Kragujevac. Distance between Belgrade and Borac is about 140 km, or about 2.5 hours of drive. Marked trail starts from the church if St. Archangel Gabriel (14th century).

The path is not too steep, so you will reach the first rocks in about an hour. The path leads near the cemetery from the 17th century.

Brave and experienced mountaineers could climb to the cross, which is placed on the top. I do not recommend climbing to the cross to the beginners and inexperienced mountaineers. You have to climb through a small gully and your way down can be a problem, if you do not have long legs! You need to jump from about a meter above the ground, from quite inconvenient position!
This tour is very interesting and, a little bit, thrilling. But, you will enjoy, for sure!
June 2011.
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