Beljarica is located just below the Pupin Bridge at Zemun. It covers part of Borca, Crvenka, Kovilovo and Padinska Skela. It is also called Balaton, Crvenka and Belgrade Amazonia, because of plenty of wildlife and undiscovered nature. This oasis of nature is on its way to become a protected area.
The best way to reach Beljarica is by bus 104. First station is near Faculty of Theology; last stop is at Crvenka. The ride takes about half an hour. From the last stop at Crvenka, you will reach the levee in 5 minute. From here, you can make a 10-15 km hiking tour. At a few spots, you can make turn into the swamp of Beljarica.
In Beljarica, you can find roe deer, wild boars, wild cats, jackals, otters, rabbits … There are over 200 plant species, 150 insect species and about 100 fish species! 139 bird species were recorded; 108 of them are protected. There are black and white storks, swans, ducks … Belgrade is the only capital city in Europe where the white-tailed eagle (Europe’s largest eagle) nests. It breeds in Belarica.


Here is the link to all species that are seen at Beljarica:
January 2020.