Gorges of river Nera and Beu are one of the most interesting places in Romania. River Beu canyon is quite amazing, because of its wonderful waterfalls. Best time for visit is in the spring, because of a lot amount of water.
Road to Nera leads from Belgrade, through Pancevo, Kovin and Bela Crkva, to the border crossing of Kaludjerovo. When you enter into Romania, after 100 meters, turn left in the direction of the city of Oravita. The final destination is a village Potoc, which lies 20 km from the border. Follow the signs and you will not miss it. The road to the village Potoc is very bad and full of holes, so pay attention. Distance between Belgrade and Potoc is 120 km, which is about 2.5 hours of drive. You do not need a vignette.
When you enter the village of Potoc, follow the signs to Cascada Beusnita. The road takes you out of the village and soon you will come to the end of the asphalt road, which means that you have arrived at your destination. This is the junction of the river Beu and Nera. You’ll see a paths to the left, right and straight. Path from the wooden eave leads into the canyon of Nera, while the path across leads to the canyon of the river Beu. We decided to visit river Beu canyon first. We followed the sign for Lacul Ochiul Beiului.


Signpost for river Beu canyon
The ultimate goal is a waterfall Beuşniţa. The first 6.4 km of the trail is completely flat. You will walk by gravel road to a small lake Ochiul Beiului. Then you must climb up the hill, next to Cascada Beuşniţa. Then you will walk again by the flat, gravel road, all the way to the waterfall Beuşniţa. Distance between the lake and the waterfall is about 1.5 km. It is about 8 km in one direction. You will return by the same path, to the intersection of two rivers. The trail is marked very well.

River Beu canyon
First waterfall we visited is La Vaioaga. You will see a sign to this waterfall.

La Vaioaga
These cascades are on the way to the lake Ochiul Beiului:
Soon you will come to a large camp, where I recommend a short break. You can spend the night in the camp, if you have a tent.
From the camp, marked trail leads you to the left. Soon you will reach the cascades of Beuşniţa. There is a beautiful turquoise lake Ochiul Beiului.

Cascades of Beusnita

Ochiul Beiului
From the lake, the trail leads uphill, next to the cascades of Beusnita. Soon you will be back on the flat, gravel road. After half an hour, you will reach the amazing waterfall of Beuşniţa. The following images were not made in photoshop. What a sight! Enjoy!

Waterfall Beusnita
We came back by the same path. Then we entered into the canyon of the river Nera. This trail is also marked. After 50 meters we reached the first of several tunnels. These tunnels were built in the Otoman empire. There are no waterfalls at this trail. The path leads to the 4 km distant village of Sasca Romana. We passed all the tunnels in the first 500 meters and went back to the intersection.

Tunnel at river Nera canyon
Some of the tunnels are very short; some of them are long, dark and not so high. So, watch your head! You can find anything in these tunnel. Guess I was lucky 🙂
This is nice and easy tour. If you like water, you will enjoy. And even if you do not like it, still you will enjoy 🙂 Sound of the water will clear your mind and soul. Cascades and waterfalls are fascinating! Now I understand why the half of Serbia is going to this place!
March 2017.