KOMOVI (Vasojevicki 2461 m, Kucki 2487 m)
Mountain Komovi is located about 35 km from Kolasin. You will reach Kolasin by the Ibar highway. The distance from Belgrade is about 400 km. From Kolasin, you must follow the signs for Matesevo, which is about 10 km away. At the intersection in Matesevo, turn left, towards Kraljske Bare, where the road leads to the saddle Tresnjevik (1570 m). At the saddle, turn right and, after 5-6 km, you will reach plateau Stavna (1787 m). Stavna is the starting point for the ascent on Komovi.
Stavna offers accommodation in an eco-village. In one cottage, 5 people can sleep and the price is 50 euros, while the price for two persons is 30 euros. Cottages are equipped very well, with a bathroom and a kitchen. Also, you can sleep in the hut, which belongs to mountaineering club “Zeleznicar”, from Belgrade. The hut is always unlocked. There is nothing inside, except the floor, an attic, a table and two long and wide benches. If you decide to sleep in the hut, you will need a sleeping bag. I recommend that you bring the candles, because there is no light inside.
On the first day, we decided to climb the peak called Vasojevicki Kom. It takes about 2.5 hours to the top, with the constant ascent of 700 m. The trail is marked very well and there is no chance to get lost.

Vasojevicki Kom

The top of Vasojevicki Kom
From the top is a beutiful view at the nearby Ljevorecki Kom, Prokletije and many other mountains, that I could not recognize. It seems like half of Montenegro is at the palm of your hand!

A view at Ljevorecki Kom
The next day, we climbed the peak called Kucki Kom, which is the highest peak of mountain Komovi. It takes about 3 hours to the top. Two-thirds of the trail is easy to hike. The last third is demanding, ascent is very steep and you must climb the rock. The first part of the track goes through the woods and by the gravel path.

This the crossroad with pathways for Kucki and Ljevorecki Kom:

From this point, ascent is much steeper and leads to the intersection, which is located below the top.

From the intersection, you must go to the right. At this point, markings are missing. Markings are now in the form of stacked stones and, if you look carefully, you will spot faded markings, on the rocks. Do not lose hope, you will find the markings, after a while. Anyway, the trail goes uphill.
At the place, where you must climb the rock, I advise you to leave the climbing sticks. At one point, the trail looks like a knife, but, although it is not so narrow, you must be very caution and careful in climbing. Finally, you are on the top, from which you can see Vasojevicki, Ljevorecki and Srednji (Middle) Kom.

At the top of Kucki Kom
A view at Vasojevicki Kom

Komovi are a truly challenge, for any mountaineer. I’m sure this magnificent mountain will not leave anyone indifferent. If you come once, you will come back again, sooner or later!
July 2012.
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